#VitaStream メディカルテクニカのリンク #VitalStream_caretaker_メディカルテクニカ


#vitalstream_caretaker_メディカルテクニカ #Caretaker_Medical_Tailored_Collaboration #Arteriograph_Tensiomed #Pedcath8_MennenMedical #Robot_nurse #real_nurses #VitalStream #Caretaker_Medical #VitalStream_type1_type2_type3 #メディカルテクニカ_介護_在宅




Preface to ”The Application of Computer Techniques to ECG Interpretation” #Labtech_holter #vitalStream\caretaker #arteriograph24

Preface to ”The Application of Computer Techniques to ECG Interpretation” The aim of this book is to present a group of articles which outline the different areas where automated analysis of ECGs can be extremely beneficial in diagnosis and treatment of patients. The historical introduction and basic papers on the latest international standards for signal processing and communications set the scene for the various ways in which the understanding of the electrical activity of the heart as recorded on the body surface can be enhanced through modelling, both forward and inverse, to produce diagnostic data bases and assist clinical decision making. Artificial intelligence is also featured in several papers encompassing standard 12 lead electrocardiography as well as ambulatory monitoring. The use of data bases for prediction of outcomes in large population studies and for improving the efficacy of automated patient monitoring by ECG are also covered. The value of comprehensive body surface mapping allied to advanced electrophysiological modelling and statistical analysis is presented. The role of electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) linked with speckle tracking echocardiography in the selection of patients for cardiac resynchronisation therapy is outlined. An update on the latest concepts in atrial abnormalities as determined only from the ECG is also included. The editor would like to thank all of the authors for their contributions to this publication. He also wishes to thank Julie Kennedy for assistance in producing the final version of this book. PeterW. Macf #VitalStream_caretaker #Labtech_Holter #wavelet_algorithm #メディカルテクニカ #生体情報 #血行動態 #Heart_Vest_gtec #Arteriograph_Tensiomed #Pedcath8_MennenMedical

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