#VitaStream メディカルテクニカのリンク #VitalStream_caretaker_メディカルテクニカ


#vitalstream_caretaker_メディカルテクニカ #Caretaker_Medical_Tailored_Collaboration #Arteriograph_Tensiomed #Pedcath8_MennenMedical #Robot_nurse #real_nurses #VitalStream #Caretaker_Medical #VitalStream_type1_type2_type3 #メディカルテクニカ_介護_在宅




#Japan’s_scientists_call for #funding boost #VitalStream #Labtech_Holter #Arteriograph24 #Shimmer_Sensing

Japan’s scientists call for funding boost Hundreds of thousands of scientists in Japan have signed a petition calling on the government to increase funds for Japan’s most important source of basic-science funding, KAKENHI. In absolute terms, the annual budget for KAKENHI has remained flat for the past decade, hovering at just under 240 billion yen (US$1.5 billion). The petition's organizers say double this amount is needed to regain the country’s competitiveness on the international stage. Others argue that the country needs to fundamentally restructure its funding mechanisms. Nature | 4 min read #Caretaker type4 #メディカルテクニカ #連続非観血式 #ストロークボリューム #動脈硬化指標 研究用 #vitalStream #waveletalgorithm #Labtech_Holter #VitalStream_caretaker #Labtech_Holter #wavelet_algorithm #メディカルテクニカ #生体情報 #血行動態 #Heart_Vest_gtec #Arteriograph_Tensiomed #Pedcath8_MennenMedical

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